
Some philosophy

Honesty means to admit - when the glass is nof full- that the glass is not full.
You can, however, see it as half-full or as half-empty.
Joy about the half-full glass grows with the awareness that one is part of something which is bigger than oneself.
When this awareness is alive, I can live with my mistakes and shortcomings.
To maintain it alive it's useful to keep one's focus on the whole, on that which is bigger than oneself.


Activities that keep us busy

In our ecologically kept finca there is constantly all sorts of work to do.
Caring for the garden, pruning the fruit trees, assembling compost heaps and experimental vegetable patches, making a supply of tomato conserves and firewood, building up stonewalls and working on fire protection.....
Within all these important activities we try to create beauty, art and a general "glow".
<< Ora et labora >> we would translate by: Planting garlic, feeling the beauty of the land and searching for the inner flow.